'bubbles' in life..

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my fave chinese restaurant.. Red Star@ Chin Swee.. Best for Tim Sum..!!!
Was thinking today.. realised that life is like the stock market.. there are years when the market is bullish whereby investors make big bucks. years when bearish, investors tend to be wary and possibility of losing their capital. Tech bubble and asian crisis reflect best in life. There may be 'bubbles' in life when things just happen within split second unexpectedly. Several 'love bubbles' that I have experienced in life but will just hope it won't be when the next comes by. however, you may want to wish the best, it may be just a 'bubble' in the end. At times, after I am on my job, I feel as if I am experiencing 'quarter-life crisis' such that, I do not know what I should do if I want to 'surrender' on my current job. 'bubbles' at work when you thought you have closed the deal but burst like a bubble in the end.
After having to experience so many 'bubbles' in life, I have to come to a point that never expect more than you have. As the saying goes, expectations lead to disappointments. The higher your expectations are, the higher chance of disappointment you may have. No expectations meaning you have resigned your life to fate which is not possible unless you are fed up with life and just breathing for the sake of living. The bottom line, be contented with what you have and have realistic expectations. When things do not turn out the way you want it to be, do not blame others but only yourself. You answer to yourself, the life you want to lead... to be...
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