my fave tropical passion tea lattetoday,i went to settle my study loan matters, supposed to meet my friend after that, in the end, she can't make it due to her meeting. had my tea latte at suntec's coffee bean while waiting for her.. no calls nor msgs, hence, i decided to walk around. they were having this monopoly event over there. i love playing that! all the time fave!
TOFU OYAKO!After shopping in carrefour, i spotted my fave kubrick, TOFU OYAKO!! hehe.. so happy! now, i got 2. the jap one and this. really hope that i can get the strawberry one.. looks so cute! it comes as a form of lego, in it there is a mini keychain(on top).in case you guys do not know what is it about.. this is the website
My fave Hokkien Mee @bedok interchangeupon confirmation from my friend that she can't meet up with me, another friend msg to meet me for dinner. so happy since i am in town, why not? haha. in the end, this friend can't meet me as well. decided to head bedok interchange to have some hawker food. ah ha! spotted my fave hokkien mee.. with a cup of longan. perfect! back at home.. time to rest. think he must be resting at home, hope he had his dinner as he was rushing some work he has on hand when he msg me. the only day he did'nt meet up with me.. its alrite. really appreciate him for his shoulders for my tears to lay on when i faced troubles while getting my study loan..thanks..

My banner design for my sis' team booth on CCN day 050805
a pic taken by my sis,(of cos, the person posing is not me.)Received lots of positive feedback for my banner and poster design. the ice-cream sales even exceeded the target amount and its a sold out! hehe. very happy for my sis. she showed me the initial poster design. it is rather 'interesting' using the old times' snow white in preferring to eat the ice cream than the apple. (u get what i meant?) anyway, it is rather encouraging to me. seems like its still my interest in my life and ive never ever regretted that i took up visual comm as my dip. :) got to head to dreamland! ZzzzzZZ